Special sessions

This is a list of prosed special sessions for the conference. If you want to contribute to a specific session please indicate the session title in your abstract.

Please, click on the highlighted titles to get further information about the session.


The elephant in the room - Organizational Design and Management of Healthcare  - Application Area - Health Care - chaired by Peter Hoonaker

Human factors Guidelines for CCTV-control centre design - Application Area - Information and Communication - chaired by Ruurd Pikaar-

Physical work life balance- Organisation and Management - Work Organisation - chaired by Charlotte Diana Nørregaard Rasmussen and Mette Korshøj

Simulations: the integration of the human factors and ergonomics into design processes - Tools & Methods - Simulations - chaired by Francisco Duarte

Performance Measurement in Ergonomics chaired by Jan Dul

EUWIN and workplace innovations: A new horison for work? chaired by Geert Van Hootegem

Humans, Technology and Organisation- Organisation and Management - Work Systems Design - chaired by Martina Berglund

Relational Coordination - in research and practice - chaired by Karen Albertsen

Organisational applications of human factors and sustainable development- chaired by Prof. Klaus J. Zink, & Prof. Andrew Thatcher

The way forward for human factors and sustainable development (HFSD) - chaired by Prof. Andrew Thatcher, & Prof. Klaus J. Zink

Macroergonomic and sociotechnical methods: current and future directions - chaired by Michelle Robertson



How does e-society affect healthcare practice?- Application Area - Health Care - chaired by Johanna Persson

Resilience against stress at the workplace - Organisation & Management - Organisation and Technological Change - chaired by Silja Hartmann

Prospects for effective worker participation in Occupational Health and Safety Management- Organisation & Management - Participatory Ergonomics - chaired by Kirsten Bendix Olsen

 Lego Serious Play as a Support Tool for Participatory Ergonomics- Tools & Methods - Simulations - chaired by Martina Kelly

CSR, Social Sustainability and Ergonomics: Drawing the family tree- chaired by Cecilia Österman and Cecilia Berlin



Aspects of motor control in Ergonomics- Tools & Methods - Work Analysis - chaired by Pascal Madeleine

Transforming working environment programmes into workplace practice- Tools & Methods - Intervention Studies - chaired by Peter Hasle

Ergonomics in Systems Analysis and Design- Tools & Methods - Socio-Technical Systems Analysis - chaired by Denis Coelho

Ergonomics and development in the new economy - Tools & Methods - Macro-Ergonomics - chaired by Denis Coelho

Lean in Sweden - the current situation - chaired by Jörgen Eklund

Work related musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare professionals: risk factors and preventive strategies - chaired by Dr. Deepak Sharan

