NES 2014 call for papers in pdf format
ODAM 2014 call for papers in pdf format
11th International Symposium on
Human Factors in Organisational Design and Management
46th Annual
Nordic Ergonomics & Human Factors Society Conference
17 - 20 August 2014 - Copenhagen - Denmark
Ergonomic Challenges in the New Economy
We are pleased to invite you to submit papers
The following types of submission are welcomed: Research papers - Practitioners papers - Student papers - Interactive workshops. Research papers are full-paper submission (max 6 pages). Practitioners papers are abstract only. Student papers are for interactive poster sessions.
Submissions should aim to fit the conference themes or sub-themes:
- Work Life Balance
- Knowledge Work Between Enthusiasm and Strain
- Project Organised Work
- Collaborative, Distributed Work
- Global Redistribution of Production Systems
- Safety and Time Critical Systems
Work systems design * Participatory ergonomics * Organisational culture * Organisational and technological change * Learning organisations * Communication * Lean production systems * Work organisation
Work analysis * Activity theory * Socio-technical systems analysis * Intervention studies * Macro-ergonomics * Risk management * Simulations * Quality Improvement
Health care * Service industries * Manufacturing industries * Knowledge-intensive companies * Psycho-social aspects * Sustainability * Small and medium sized enterprises * Information and communication technology
Submit your abstract
NEW DEADLINE for submission of abstracts: DECEMBER 2, 2013
Deadline for submission of symposia and workshop proposals: November 15, 2013
Deadline for submission of full papers: February 15, 2014